" She is a wife and Mother ; she has served her country, Traveled
the world, and is hardworking, loving,wise,goofy and full of humanity"
-Lynda Carter
1.How to be alone. " When you refuse to let fear run your life, the possibilities become infinite " - Gail Lowe , Hiker and Outdoor Enthusiast 2.How to take a compliment "Deflecting someone who compliment you isn't modest, it's insulting. - Robin Abraham , Writer for the Boston Globe 3.How to keep a conversation going " To facilitate an exchange, on camera or in life, you need to be curious. -Sara Gilbert , Creator & Executive Producer of CBS's The Talk 4.How to ask for feedback " Don't ask for a general verdict, ask for a response to specific occasion.. Most important, be open to the response." -Erica Fox, Director of People Development, Google 5.How to remember names 'When you recall a person's name you send him the message that he matters." -Ron White , Two time winner of the USA Memory Championship
Whoyou are is what makes you special . Do not change for anyone. What lies ahead will always be a mystery. Do not be afraid to explore. When life pushes you over, you push back harder .Wherethere are choice to make, make the one you wont regret. Why things happen will never be certain. Take it in stride and move forward.