
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Why I Adore the Night - ( Jeanette Winterson )

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"I have noticed that when all the lights are on, people tend to talk about what they are doing - their outer lives. Sitting round in candlelight or firelight, people start to talk about how they are feeling -
their inner live. They speak subjectively, they argue less, there are longer pauses. To sit alone without any electric light is curiously creative. I have my best ideas at dawn or at nightfall, but not if i switch on the lights - then i start thinking about project, deadline, demands, and the shadows and shapes of the house become objects, not suggestions, things that need to done, not a background to thought. "

Friday, May 18, 2018

“If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” 
― J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Image result for hint from god quotes

Magical Moment

sometime the moment where you can speak your heart arrive without warning and something you've been hiding is finally out there for everyone to see... " I Love You"

Friday, May 11, 2018

16 Things Successful People do on Monday Mornings

1.They wake up early.

2.They exercise.

3.They eat a healthy breakfast.

4.They arrive early.

5.They clear their desk and desktop.

6.They carve out time for unexpected project and tacks.

7.They greet their teams and boss.

8.They update their to-do lists and goals.

9.They visualize the week's successes.

10.They screen emails for urgent requests.

11.They tackle the tough challenges first.

12.They make an extra effort to smile,

13.They add a "blanket of humanity" to their emails.

14.They're able to say no.

15.They stay focused.

16.They remember that there is Tuesday.


stuck between " I need to save thew money. " and  " you only live once. "