
Sunday, November 25, 2018


Don’t stop when you are tired, stop when you are done. 

Focus on your goals sweet heart.
These men only want 
to waste your damn time.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

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Gal Godot

" She is a wife and Mother ; she has served her country, Traveled 
the world, and is hardworking, loving,wise,goofy and full of humanity"
-Lynda Carter 

1.How to be alone.
 " When you refuse to let fear run your life, the possibilities become infinite " 
  - Gail Lowe , Hiker and Outdoor Enthusiast

2.How to take a compliment 
"Deflecting  someone who compliment you isn't modest, it's insulting.
  - Robin Abraham , Writer for the Boston Globe

3.How to keep a conversation going 
" To facilitate an exchange, on camera or in life, you need to be curious.
 -Sara Gilbert , Creator & Executive Producer of CBS's The Talk

4.How to ask for feedback 
" Don't ask for a general verdict, ask for a response to specific occasion.. Most important,
be open to the response."
-Erica Fox, Director of People Development, Google

5.How to remember names
'When you recall a person's name you send him the message that he matters."
-Ron White , Two time winner of the USA Memory Championship 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Dear Girls,

Image result for Be with someone who ruins your lipstick - not your mascara
Be with someone
who ruins your lipstick
- not your mascara "

The Five W's of Life

Who you are is what makes you special .           
            Do not change for anyone.
What lies ahead will always be a mystery.          
           Do not be afraid to explore.
When life pushes you over,          
            you push back harder
.Where there are choice to make,       
            make the one you wont regret.
Why things happen will never be certain.      
           Take it in stride and move forward.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Why I Adore the Night - ( Jeanette Winterson )

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"I have noticed that when all the lights are on, people tend to talk about what they are doing - their outer lives. Sitting round in candlelight or firelight, people start to talk about how they are feeling -
their inner live. They speak subjectively, they argue less, there are longer pauses. To sit alone without any electric light is curiously creative. I have my best ideas at dawn or at nightfall, but not if i switch on the lights - then i start thinking about project, deadline, demands, and the shadows and shapes of the house become objects, not suggestions, things that need to done, not a background to thought. "

Friday, May 18, 2018

“If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” 
― J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Image result for hint from god quotes

Magical Moment

sometime the moment where you can speak your heart arrive without warning and something you've been hiding is finally out there for everyone to see... " I Love You"

Friday, May 11, 2018

16 Things Successful People do on Monday Mornings

1.They wake up early.

2.They exercise.

3.They eat a healthy breakfast.

4.They arrive early.

5.They clear their desk and desktop.

6.They carve out time for unexpected project and tacks.

7.They greet their teams and boss.

8.They update their to-do lists and goals.

9.They visualize the week's successes.

10.They screen emails for urgent requests.

11.They tackle the tough challenges first.

12.They make an extra effort to smile,

13.They add a "blanket of humanity" to their emails.

14.They're able to say no.

15.They stay focused.

16.They remember that there is Tuesday.


stuck between " I need to save thew money. " and  " you only live once. "

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Locks are never manufactured without key,
Similarly GOD never gives problems
 without solutions.
Only we need to have patience to find keys and unlock them.
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but sometime you need to other help.


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Notice the people who are happy for your happiness, and sad for your sadness.
They're the ones who deserve special places in your heart.
like your mom and dad..

Saturday, April 28, 2018

7 Quick Happiness Tips

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  1. Don't listen to gossip.
  2. Ignore what people say about you.
  3. Design your own life.
  4. Look for the good in every situation.
  5. Develop an attitude of gratitude. 
  6. Laugh more.
  7. Once it's past. let it go.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

New beginning


I close the door 
to the past,
open the door
to the Future,
take a deep breath
step on through
and start a new 
chapter in my 